Hossein Ghaemi, M.Sc.

Hossein Ghaemi studied Mechanical Engineering at Zanjan University (Iran) and Darmstadt Technical University. His bachelor thesis dealt with the effects of temperature gradients on the compressor casing in GE-Frame 6 gas turbines.

In his master's degree, he focused on mechatronics and Adaptronics. During his master thesis and working as an assistant scientist at Fraunhofer LBF, he dealt with the different methods for vibration reduction. As part of his master's thesis, he developed a model for metal cushions in MATLAB that describes the behavior of the metal cushion under dynamic and semi-static excitation.

Since May,2022, he has been working as a research associate at IMS in the research group “Actuated Systems” and is engaged in the investigation and design of a new active piezo bearing.

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Poursaeidi, E.; Ghaemi, H.; Charmchi, M. (2014)
Effects of temperature gradient on compressor casing in an industrial gas turbine'.
In: Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 3, S. 35 – 42.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2014.03.002 [Artikel].