Sarah Schwarz studied mechanical engineering at the DHBW Stuttgart. There she already had intersections with topics of e-mobility as part of seminar papers about Li-ion batteries and the cooperation company Kienle + Spiess GmbH, which is a technology leader in the development and production of rotors and stators. During her master's degree at Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg, she completed an internship at Bosch Power Tools in Malaysia, where she gained experience in the field of simulation of electric motors. At umlaut systems GmbH, she worked on hardware-in-the-loop test benches for the software validation of battery management systems of an automobile manufacturer.
Since June 2021 she is a research assistant in the area of energy storage systems at the IMS. In the project “KI4ETA”, she is focusing on how the hybrid energy storage system of the ETA factory can be supported by methods of artificial intelligence.

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