Mechatronic Systems I
Winter semester: Tuesdays 11:40-13:10, L5|06 room 11
Documents for the MS I lecture can be found in ! Moodle
Contents of the lecture:
1. introduction and example systems
2. mechanical basic system
3. controls
4. sensors
5. information processing
Fundamentals in mechatronics, technical mechanics, electrical engineering and control engineering are required.
Qualification goals:
- Set up structural dynamic equations of the mechanical components.
- Simulate overall mechatronic systems and explain the behaviour based on the mechatronic systems approach.
- Apply controls in a well-founded manner and assess the effects on the overall mechatronic system
- Classify the measuring principles of various sensors and assess the properties of measuring systems
- Understand basic principles of information processing.
Further teaching materials:
R. Nordmann: Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering I
R. Nordmann, H. Birkhofer: Machine Elements and Mechatronics I
Questions about the lecture, exercise, exam please send to ms@ims.tu-…
Mechatronic Systems II
Summer term: Wednesdays 11:40 – 13:10 L4|02 Room 201
All lecture material can be found in ! Moodle
Contents of the lecture:
1. actuator technology
- Functional principles of electromagnetic, electrodynamic and piezoelectric actuators
- Example systems: electromagnet, stepper motor, electromagnetic bearing, DC motor, synchronous motor, asynchronous motor, piezoelectric actuator
2. human-machine interface
- Basic terms, requirements, human-computer interaction
- Human-machine interface in the automobile and assistive technology
3. development methodology
- Processes, VDI Guideline 2206, Functional Safety
4. system integration
- Deepening with examples: Automated manual transmission, Automated clutches, Mobile inverse pendulum, Aerospace engines with active damping, Machine tools, Dual clutch transmission.
Machine dynamics, electrical engineering, control engineering, machine elements and mechatronics I
Qualification goals:
- Understanding the functional principles of electromagnetic, electrodynamic and piezoelectric actuators and using them in a well-founded manner.
- Explain the basic principles of different man-machine interfaces using examples.
- Understand the methodology and requirements for the development of complex mechatronic systems.
- Apply mechatronic system thinking for the purpose of system integration and optimisation to different examples.
Questions about the lecture, exercise, exam please send to ms@ims.tu-…