Ökonomische und ökologische Bewertung elektromagnetischer Aktoren im Automobil
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisor: Omar Fahmy, M.Sc.
Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Datenerweiterung von Fahrzyklen
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisor: Dominik Leininger, M.Sc.
Entwicklung Geschwindigkeitsprädiktion auf Basis eines Kolmogorov-Arnold-Netzwerks in Matlab
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Masterthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisor: Dominik Leininger, M.Sc.
Feature Engineering von Verkehrsinfrastrukturdaten von Darmstadt
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Masterthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
The Institute of Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering is conducting research into energy-efficient drive concepts for electric robot vehicles. To better assess the potential for future drive and transport concepts, these must be tested using simulations. In order to be able to assess the influence of a traffic environment, a traffic simulation of the city centre of Darmstadt is therefore used at the IMS. This is implemented in the SUMO simulation software. An initial approach to parameterizing the simulation was developed in previous works and is now to be continued.
Supervisor: Dominik Leininger, M.Sc.
Erweiterung des Simulationsmodell und der Betriebsstrategie eines Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Masterthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
Im Projekt „DigiTain“ wird am IMS an der Verbesserung der Betriebsstrategie von Brennstoffzellen-fahrzeugen geforscht. Aktuelle Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mittels Geschwindigkeitsprädiktion eine Effizienzsteigerung erreicht werden kann.
In den bisherigen Untersuchungen wurden das Thermalsystem des Brennstoffzellensystems sowie die Alterung von Batterie und Brennstoffzelle (BZ) unberücksichtigt gelassen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll durch deren Ergänzung die Simulation realitätsnäher werden sowie Alterung von Batterie und Brennstoffzelle in der Betriebsstrategie berücksichtigt werden.
Supervisor: Dominik Leininger, M.Sc.
Konzeptionierung und Realisierung eines virtuellen Prüfstands für ein reales energiesystem
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Advanced Design Project (ADP)
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisor: Leon Klinar, M.Sc.
Konzeptentwicklung zur Prüfstandvernetzung
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Advanced Design Project (ADP)
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Zhihong Liu
Adaptive sensitivity analysis based virtual sensing technique for vibration observation
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Zhihong Liu
FEM-Modell für Rotorprüfstand mit einem aktiven Piezo-Lager
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis
At the IMS, the potential for increasing the efficiency of powertrains by knowing the speed to be expected in the next few seconds is being investigated on the basis of AI-based predictions.
The Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN) approach presented in April 2024 promises faster training, improved accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). So far, only a simple Matlab implementation of KANs with basic functionality exists.
The aim of this advertised work is to realise a KAN implementation against the background of the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox and to use it for speed prediction.
A data set comprising over 29,000 kilometres is available as a data basis.
Supervisors: Hossein Ghaemi, M.Sc., Julia Jeßberger, M.Sc.
Optimierung der Energieeffizienz in der Radiologie
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Strukturierte Optimierung der Energieversorgung in der Radiologie unter Berücksichtigung der relevanten klinischen und prozessualen Aspekte.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Georg Avemarie
Development of a Distributed test platform for automotive systems: launch process study
am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau
Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis
Shared test platforms can realize multi-functionality investigations at the early stage of the vehicle powertrain development.
At IMS, the CONNECT (powertrain test bench) and Driveception (driving simulator) are integrated for a distributed measurement of powertrain dynamics and their impact on subjective perception during the launch process. The student work will be focused on the realization of the test bench networking and its real-time performance for the launch process study.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Zhihong Liu