AMOS – Analytic methods for optimal vibration reduction of general rotors
Period: 2020 – 2023
Funding: German Research Foundation
The project AMOS (Project number 435227428) is focused on the development of control approaches, which are capable of eliminating all resonances of a rotor while minimizing the bearing forces. If the bearing forces are eliminated completely, force free resonances appear, which are equal to the resonances of the unsupported rotor. The approach taken in this project eliminates those resonances by using the bending energy of the rotor as controlled variable. The bending energy is independent of the bearing type and can be used as a general performance index for supported structures as well as for the control algorithms. This, allows the general use of this approach for all rotors.
The project focuses on the theoretical modelling of rotors with active piezoelectrical bearings, the development of control algorithms and the experimental investigation using a test -rig.